Cost and energy savings

European Partnership on Metrology is running a project focusing on establishing new methods of assessing the trustworthiness of distributed sensor networks. The project spans three years, and it is expected to enable extensive cost- and energy savings in modern society.

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Three-year project launch

To meet the challenges and thus provide a metrological basis to sensor networks, the European Partnership on Metrology has initiated 22DIT02 FunSNM, - a project that addresses the metrological aspects of generic sensor networks regarding uncertainty propagation, data quality metrics and SI traceability. The project was launched on the 1st of September 2023 and has a duration of 36 months.

The project covers assessment, infrastructure, and risk analysis of distributed sensor networks along with software frameworks by developing automated applications. The applicability of the methods, tools and concepts will be demonstrated in typical real-world sensor networks.

Expected outcomes and impact

The project is expected to positively impact a wide range of industries, ranging from the manufacturing of high-value products to the optimisation of district heating and cost reduction in smart buildings, thus it is expected to improve living standards in societies where the new methods of assessing the trustworthiness of distributed sensor networks are introduced.

The project results will furthermore allow for reduced CO2-emissions by 3 million tonnes per year and providing financial savings of 2 billion euros.

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